
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - August 2019


Readers I collect important information and publish here for you .I never hide from you if something is beneficial for others. It’s my request share your knowledge here.

Readers I collect important information and publish here for you .I never hide from you if something is beneficial for others. It’s my request share your knowledge here.


I still remember I was of 11 years old .An old women were weeping near my mother. Actually it was the rainy season and her house demolished in rain, family members were saved but house lost. In rain they lost their crops also. Another problem they were to face was that they took loan from bank and spent on these crops and they were to pay loan to bank from the income of these crops which they lost in rain. Now the bank demanded their money and they were to sale their land for this purpose. This tension made her the patient of anxiety. These tensions and worries lost his sleep and made him restless. He always felt  headache and mental stress. He started  to take sleeping pills. These pills had side effects and treatment was also expensive and that woman was bitterly weeping while she was telling her story. My mother was consoling her that it’s not a big issue. My mother gave her the idea of same tea of annab. And told her the method as well and advised her to use for three weeks and after that period revisit me. After some time she visited us and was so happy and satisfied. It was her words that I cannot believe that this tea works too much where all expensive medicines stop working these proved results. She told us that now that she is quite better now.


First of all what I felt my stress removed and I felt active myself after using this tea. I always felt that something has tightened my heart and this tea gave me relief from this.

Secondly: I started to enjoy sound sleep.

Thirdly I felt fear in loneliness but now I have no negative thinking’s.

Fourthly my heirs were falling very fastly due to depression now I have healthy hair as my mind thinks positively always.

May Allah keep my hairs away from my own eyes: -

 I felt myself that my hairs are growing very fastly and hairs fall is completely stop? My rough hairs are now getting healthy. Before the use of this tea of annab whenever I applied little oil on my hairs my hairs starts to fall and my hands fill with fallen hairs but now when I comb my hairs  little hairs fall and I am pleased to see my hairs. Many of my friends asked me which medicine and tip you have applied on your hairs that you have so long and thick hairs now. I used to tell of the tea of annab. Many of the female use this tea and got good results. Hairs are the complete prescription and method of tea of annnab.

Write down the prescription of annab tea: -

 take 11 grains of annab, 11 grains of sapsastan, 1 full spoon of bahidanna, grained them and mix it in 1 litter of warm water. And keep it whole night dip. Early in the morning stains it and mix some honey and sugar as you like. In winter take 1 cup of this tea in like warm form and use 1 kg tea whole day. Every day make a new tea for use. If you feel the disease at the last stage, you can increase the number of stains 21 instead of 11 and you can also use 40 stains in a day. Use it for some weeks.

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